Overview of Needs
The sudden and massive influx of new arrivals has created an urgent need for massive scale-up of health services and support for an already vulnerable population. For those that have fled, significant health effects are being seen in terms of their physical, mental and social well-being.
Lack of services and extremely poor living conditions in camps and settlements are contributing to the overwhelming health needs of these populations. Crowded living conditions with a lack of adequate food, water and sanitation are presenting serious public health risks, compounded by poor accessibility to new settlements and recent rains. Heavy rain
is forecast to continue during the rainy season, exacerbating the risk of disease outbreaks, particularly in densely populated areas.
Contributing to the overwhelming health needs of these populations are that many have experienced devastation, lost family/relatives and property sustained physical injuries (such as burn, bullet and cut injuries) and undertaken exhaustive travel (mostly on foot) often for several days without food, water and rest. Most of the new arrivals are women and children and of the total caseload an estimated 120,000 pregnant and lactating women requiring urgent assistance.
The sheer number of new arrivals has overwhelmed existing health services Overall there is a scarcity of human, logistical and financial resources in place which is causing significant gaps in the overall provision of essential life-saving health services to affected populations as well as surrounding communities. There is an urgent need for massive scale-up of health service provision across all sub-sectors with a focus on emergency primary health care provision, reproductive, maternal and child health care as well as outbreak preparedness and active response planning.
Gender, Age and Disability
High numbers of women including pregnant and lactating mothers and children require life-saving specific services through the implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package. These include antenatal care, 24/7 emergency obstetric and newborn care, postnatal care, clinical management of rape, and reducing transmission of HIV.
Older persons (which make up 4 percent of the caseload population according to NPM data) will also require specific outreach services which may include attention to non-communicable diseases and mobility aids. Persons with disabilities, and particularly the high number of reported injuries including gunshot and machete wounds, may require surgical intervention as well as follow up physiotherapy, rehabilitation, mobility assistance and importantly psychosocial support.
Donate to:
4000 USD For Medical Camp
2000 USD for Mobile medical team
18 USD for first aid pack
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