
Help Rohingya children battel against lack of Education

06 April, 2015 Bangladesh, Causes One
Donation : $29,401.60/ $126,500.00 DONATE NOW

Overview of Needs

Of the more than 501,000 people that are estimated to have crossed the border into Cox’s Bazar, around 60 percent are children. With so many children affected, it is essential that basic education services are established as soon as possible.

A total of 27 schools and learning centres have been used, until recently, as temporary shelters for more than 7,000 new arrivals, preventing children from going to school. Multi-sectoral rapid assessment reports identify education as a priority needs for newly arriving children. Specifically, priority needs including providing education for Rohingya children in a protective environment, distributing education supplies, and ensuring access for children with special needs. Discussions with Sector partners and the Child Centred Care Sub-Sector revealed an immediate need to start basic psychosocial support for children with the special focus on new arrivals.

Existing learning centres in makeshift settlements are not able to cope with the increased number of children and not all spontaneous settlements have an education or child-friendly facilities established. Ongoing construction of learning centres has been suspended in many areas as construction sites have been occupied by new arrivals.

Currently, the lack of a national identity document or legal status prevents Rohingya children from enrolling in government schools in Bangladesh.

For many years provision of education to Rohingya children in makeshift settlements was not allowed. However, in March 2015 the National Task Force on the Implementation of the National Strategy for Undocumented Myanmar Nationals agreed to the provision of non-formal education for Rohingya children in makeshift settlements, also allowing for construction of learning centres.

While the education status of new arrivals requires in-depth assessment, preliminary information suggests that Rohingya children in Myanmar were not able to access quality education. A joint education sector assessment in North Rakhine State (2015) identified that an estimated 60,000 children aged 3-17 years in internal displacement camps were not accessing formal education while existing education facilities in communities hosting displaced populations were under tremendous strain

Gender, Age and Disability

Efforts will be made in the planning and implementation of each of the proposed activities to ensure they is gender-sensitive approach and to provide access to all children, including those with disabilities. A separate orientation package on education for children with special needs will be developed for teachers. Agencies will collect disaggregated data as well as capturing children with disabilities.

Donate to:

750 USD For School

350 USD For Teacher

18 USD for essential School kits


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Overview of Needs

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